Why on April the twenty first
Of the days of all the year
Why does my heart with joy near burst
What means this day? Just listen dear
I'm from Texas!!!

Why should that day be dear to me?
Oh! one glorious reason why.
My countrymen fought on that day
Whom did they fight? I hear you say.

Oh a very poor daughter I would be
Daughter of whom? Of Liberty -
If I did not know. He deserved to die
Twas Santa Anna!!!

And what did Santa Anna do?
He sought to rob us of our rights
He would not listen to our plea
But made us slaves to tyranny.

Little he knew how we loved our rights
But soon he found who he had to fight
Twas Texas!!!

They butchered our men at Goliad
They gave us no quarter at the Alamo.
Did he think we would yield to his murderous band?
Have his bloody hoard rule o'er our land?

So he thought but e'er long he changed his mind
When he saw our men break through his lines
When he saw his dead choke the bayous' flow
At the war cry "Remember the Alamo!!!"

Then he turned and ran like the cur he was
Ah! well he knew who had won the day
And beaten the Mexican soldiers gay
Twas Texas!!!

And now whose names will never die
So long as the stars shine in the sky
Tis Bowie, Crockett and Travis of the Alamo
(The names of the others I do not know)

But they fought till death. There's none left to tell
How they stabbed their murderers as they fell.
For Texas!!!

Let us say a word for that noble band
Fannin's men who fell at Goliad
They were trapped by the vilest of humankind
But braver men you'll never find

They were shot like dogs on the plaza there
But they died like heroes and heroes they were
For Texas!!!

Of Houston at San Jacinto. There
They fought the last battle of the war
They fought like spirits and before
The sun had sank, the fight was o'er

The Mexican army all had fled
leaving behind their dying and dead
The triumph of our land was great
The people of a separate state -
Of Texas!!!


Written by Ida May Schaffer

April 21, 1922

Age of 15